Shokirova Farida Jurayevna
Assistant of the Department of Hematology transfuziology, and laboratory work TMA
Tel.: +998 90 920-09-91
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1994-2001:  student at First Tashkent medical institute, department of medical.

2001-2003: clinical at department of hematology at First Tashkent medical institute

Worked at:

19942001:  student at First Tashkent medical institute

2001 –2003: clinical at department of hematology at First Tashkent medical institute

From 2003 to now:  assistant at department of hematology, transfuziology and laboratory work, Tashkent medical academy

Work experience:

19942001:  student at First Tashkent medical institute

2001 –2003: clinical resident at department of hematology at First Tashkent medical institute

2006- h.v. – Assistant of the Chair hematology, transfuziology and laboratory work, Tashkent medical academy

The main areas of practice:

Diagnostigs and tratement anemias, leukemias, gemorrogical deseases 

The main directions of scientific activity:

New methods treatment of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura

The main scientific works for the last 5 years:

Articles and theses:

  • Khalmatova N.M., Norkulova K.M., Razhabova Zh.I., Shakirova F.J. Effectiveness of the preparation “Hydrea” in the treatment of erythremia. Therapeutic Bulletin of Uzbekistan 2013, No.4 p.269.
  • Khalmatova N.M., Shokirova F.J., Duskobilova Z.B. Modern aspects of the treatment of myelodysplastic syndrome Medical Journal of Uzbekistan 2015, №2 p. 92-96.
  • Rustamova Kh.M., Shokirova F.J., Zhumabaev A.Zh., Suleymanova D.N. Morphological parameters of erythrocytes in autoimmune hemolytic anemia International congress of hematologists and transfusiologists of Uzbekistan 21-22 may 2015 Tаshkent   Р.110-112.
  • Xalmatova N.M., Shokirova F.J., Rajabova J.I.  Thrombohemorrhagic  complications with erythremia and methods of their correction Medical Journal of Uzbekistan 2013, No 6  p. 103-107.
  • Shokirova F.J., Ergasheva L.X.    Genetic aspekts of chronic mieloleucemiya  Medical Journal of Uzbekistan 2014, No 6 p.129-132.
  • Xalmatova N.M., Shokirova F.J., Norkulova K.M.  Physiological and pathophysiological property of nitrogen oxide.  Medical Journal of Uzbekistan 2015, No 1   p. 81-84.
  • Rustamova Kh.M, Shokirova F.J., Boltoeva F.G. Prevalence of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.  Medical Journal of Uzbekistan 2016, №3   p 100-103.
  • Boltoeva F.G., Rustamova Kh.M, Shokirova F.J.  Gematologiya va qon quyish ilmiy tekshirish  instituti klinikasida 2009-2014 yillar davomida davolangan surunkali limfoleykozli  bemorlarning retrospektiv taxlili  ÕzR SSV TTA Urganch filiali “Tibbiyotning dolzarb muammolari” Talabalar, klinik ordinatorlar va yosh olimlarning XX11 ilmiy-amaliy anjumani materiali 2015  3 iyun   s. 250.
  • Shokirova F.J. Treatment of pregnancy iron defisiensy anemia.  Issues problems of healthy and dietery nutrition. Collection of scientific articles.Tashkent 2018 12 may 2017y.  p.196-200.
  • Shokirova F.J. News of dermatology and reproductive health of the journal. Management of pregnancy and childbirth in women with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 2017  №2  p.33-35.
  • Shokirova F.J.  Simulation technology in medical education. Scientific and practical conference materials system of improvement in pedagogical staff qualification in higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan: experience, priorities and prospects of development. Tashkent 2018. P. 253.
  • Shokirova F.J. Electronic resources in the formation of professional  competence of future doctors. Scientific and practical conference materials “system of improvement in pedagogical staff
    qualification in higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan: experience, priorities and prospects of development Tashkent 2018.  P.254.
  • Shokirova F.J. Innovation methods of teach in medical higher education. Medical education reforms problems and their solution The collection of materials of the  ХIII educational conference Tashkent 2018. P. 27-32.
  • Shokirova F.J. The role of methodology and teaching didactics in a medical university. Medical education reforms problems and their solution The collection of materials of the ХIII educational conference Tashkent P 32-35.

Teaching aids and methodological recommendations:

Diseases of blood and blood-forming organs. Teaching-methodical manual for students of medical colleges in the areas of medical business nursing.   Tashkent 2017. Р.28